Supply levels ease with fewer new listings in August

August sales activity was comparable to the strong levels recorded last year and well above long-term trends for the month.
While sales have remained relatively strong, there continues to be a shift towards more affordable options as the year-over-year pullback in detached sales was nearly matched by gains for multi-family product types.
“While higher lending rates have slowed activity in the detached market, we are still seeing homebuyers shift to more affordable options which is keeping sales activity relatively strong,” said CREB® Chief Economist Ann-Marie Lurie. “This makes Calgary different than some of the larger cities in the country which have recorded significant pullbacks in sales.”
At the same time, new listings continue to trend down, preventing any supply gains or a substantial shift in the months of supply.
Canadian Employment Fell As Young Adults Bear Most Job Losses While Seniors Gain

Canada’s rate hikes are finally beginning to slow unemployment, but the losses are being carried by young adults. Statistics Canada (Stat Can) data shows the unemployment rate increased in July as job losses came in. Breaking it down, most of the jobs lost are young adults, or people in the education and construction industries. Higher interest rates are finally slowing down the job market, but not for seniors, the only employment demographic to grow in Canada.
This is how much the average rent in Ontario rose in July

The cost of renting a home in Ontario rose more than almost every other province in Canada last month, according to a new national analysis of online listings.
The latest National Rent Report, released this week by and Bullpen Research and Consulting, found Ontario ranked second when it comes to the highest average rent for all types of dwellings in July.
The only province that surpassed Ontario was British Columbia with a 19 per cent year-over-year increase.
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New Toronto condo sales slump, but prices keep climbing: survey

New condominium sales in the Greater Toronto Area declined in the second quarter of 2022 as prices climbed to a record high in April, May, and June.
The data collected in a recent market research study by Urbanation Inc. showed that 6,792 units were sold in Q2, marking a drop of 19 per cent from the first quarter and 24 per cent year-over-year.
At the same time, prices for those new units rose to a historic $1,453 per square foot, which the firm says is partly the result of an increase in inventory in higher-priced projects in the city.
CMHC says residential mortgage debt grew last year by fastest pace since 2008

Residential mortgage debt grew last year by the fastest pace since 2008 says a new report from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp.
The federal housing agency says that mortgage debt grew by nine per cent for the year, and topped 10 per cent in the early months of this year before rising interest rates started to slow the market.
“The levels of investments of households are quite high. So it is a source of vulnerability,” said Tania Bourassa-Ochoa, a senior economist at CMHC and co-author of the report on mortgage trends.
GTA New Condo Sales Slow in Q2

Greater Toronto Area (GTA) new condominium sales totaled 6,792 units in the second quarter, declining 19% from the first quarter and 24% year-over-year but remaining above the 10-year average of 6,302 sales. Activity was supported by the launch of 9,924 new presale condos in Q2, which represented the third highest volume of new units brought to market on record, exceeding the 10-year average (6,937) by 43%. The absorption rate for new projects launched in Q2 declined to 57% — down significantly from the 81% rate recorded during both the previous quarter and in the same quarter last year but only slightly below the 10-year average of 60%.
At 11,703 units, the number of unsold new condominiums in the market rose 36% from the 18-quarter low in Q1 (8,630), although declining 6% annually and remaining 20% below the 10-year average (14,579).
New condo prices for available units continued escalating to reach a record-high average of $1,453 psf in Q2-2022, up 4% quarter-over-quarter and 20% year-over-year, partly the result of an increase in inventory at higher-priced projects. As developers grapple with quickly rising construction costs, labour shortages, large increases to development charges, higher interest rates, and lengthy approval timelines, there appears to be little, if any, room for new condo prices to adjust lower in the current environment. Furthermore, the mild decline in condo resale prices thus far, which decreased 4.9% from a high of $988 psf in Q1 to $940 psf in Q2, and still low inventory levels aren’t creating an urgency for price reductions for new units.
Investment in Alberta’s tech sector soars

Several Calgary-based tech companies are planning to hire more people and expand their office space as hundreds of millions of dollars flow into the sector.
Through the first half of the year, Alberta has attracted nearly $500 million in investment, according to
“We’re growing very, very quickly,” said Nic Beique, the founder of Calgary-based Helcim, which offers online payment services for small businesses across Canada and the United States.
The company recently received $16 million in venture capital funding from investors in Toronto and New York.
“We’ve doubled our business in the past six months alone, so our investors are already quite happy with that progress,” Beique said from the company’s headquarters in Eau Claire.
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Toronto is in the midst of a housing crisis. Why are development fees set to go up by nearly 50 per cent?

The cost of building housing in Toronto will soon rise by tens of thousands of dollars per unit as the city hikes development charges by nearly 50 per cent.
The fees, which are charged to developers and help pay for the associated capital investments required to support new development, are evaluated every five years using a long-standing formula.
City officials maintain that even with the increases, Toronto will still have cheaper development charges than several neighbouring municipalities, including Markham, Mississauga and Vaughan.
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Suburban real estate vulnerable if demand shifts post-pandemic, Bank of Canada warns

The gap between downtown real estate and houses in the suburbs narrowed significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic, a development that may make markets outside big cities even more vulnerable to a slowdown.
That’s one of the main takeaways from a recently released analysis by the Bank of Canada that looked at housing valuations in 15 cities across the country, both before the pandemic and now.
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