Anticipating a Seller’s Market Surge: Renewed Mortgages, Rising Prices, and New Home Activity Expected to Boost Listings and Drive Price Growth in 2024. While supply levels gradually improve, persistent demand may prolong market tightness, particularly for lower-priced properties

Rising lending rates have had a notable impact on the housing sector, prompting potential buyers to search for more affordable housing options . Simultaneously, some potential sellers have refrained from listing their homes to avoid the consequences of higher rates . The decrease in new listings at lower price points has likely hindered overall sales activity, particularly as lower-priced properties contributed to declines in sales during 2023 . Despite a moderation from record-high levels, strong migration growth and a robust labour market have kept sales well above long-term trends .

While international migration has influenced rental markets, resulting in increased rental gains and heightened demand from investors, interprovincial migration from higher-priced markets in British Columbia and Ontario has helped support sales growth in the higher price ranges of our market, even in the face of higher lending rates .

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